All in Home


When I was in University I had a dorm-sized refrigerator and I swore never again would I live with one milk container filling my fridge and a freezer the size of one ice cream sandwich. So I answer, “No, I shop at Costco.” And the jaws drop.

What Tiny Living Has Given Me

Financial freedom is my goal, but tiny living has definitely not given it to me. I had to take a loan out to finish my tiny house. A minalmilst mindset just doesn't describe me. I'm a confirmed practicalist. Which I define as "own as many "I use every week" items as possible."  Freetime has also not been given to me. My experience is that I spend more time cleaning the tiny house than my apartment because you can always see the mess and the dust...

But what tiny living has given me is the outdoors.`

The Tiny Budget

We've been living in the tiny house for 4.5 months. Many of our readers have been asking, "How much does it cost to live in a tiny house?"  We thought we'd outline some of our expenses here to give you an idea of what our monthly TINY budget looks like.